I have felt for many years that there was something particularly questionable around the certainty over the climate change ( or, global warming as it was previously labelled) theory, and also, particularly unnerving about the way in which the certainty about the science was portrayed. Without doubt the climate is a fantastically complex system with millions/billions of variables that interplay in a way that obey the laws of nature in a chaotic way. It has been the dream of man since the origins of intelligence that we have tried to make sense out of this chaos, and in prehistoric times we would have invented faceless gods with exotic names to account for the conditions, and have attributed their wrath to our deviant behaviour. As science progressed and we began to predict the rising of the sun, the changing of the moons phases, and the turning of the seasons, the faith based approach become more "scientific" and independently verifiable. We can predict the rising of the sun, the lunar eclipse - we know it is not a god blanking out the sun in anger,- the movement of the planets with such great accuracy that it is evident that we understand the science.
When it comes to climate science our scientific arrogance has got the better of us, and ironically we have regressed into a group mindset that convinces us that our modern deviant behaviour - our obsession with living - is bringing the wrath of the climate upon us. We all appear to be completely seduced by the absoluteness of the science perpetrated by the "scientists" ( the equivalent of the prehistoric high priests) preaching to us "believers" that if we do not take action now, and change our ways into a life of complete frugality then untold catastrophre will be brought on to us - and it is almost too late. The voices from the scientists, the politicians, the celebrities who all will have their own particular agenda ( none of them will be 100% altruistic) is bordering on "Trust me, Believe in me, I'm telling you of things for which you cannot contemplate". And in this context any non-believers are ridiculed, and undermined. So much of history repeating itself.
...and when we see that the scientists are flawed, the edifice begins to crumble...
So now is the time for common sense, right thinking, reasonable people to come to the fore and discuss the issues openly, without fear of ridicule, and for all of the "high priests" to be held to account.
The case begins to crumble:
- evidence of potential manipulation of data in emails from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit
- Retraction by the IPCC over claims over Himalayan glacier melting by 2035 - known to be flawed but still kept in the report.
- The so-called "hockey stick" chart produced by Michael Mann, and pedalled by Al Gore has been proven to be incorrect
- Many instances of proven errors in Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" - film that tells of impending doom.
- UK Met Office continuing failure to predict short term weather conditions
- Dr Pachauri - Head of IPCC, amongst many, who have links with organisations that benefit from promoting th Climate Change theory. Al Gore, has strong links with an organisation that profits from carbon offsetting arrangements.
- The IPCC, in their report accept that they do not understand the implications of atmospheric particulates and clouds.
...and the list will continue to grow. In the face of this, and more, we are still told to "Have Faith" - the end of the world is nigh!
Relevant article by Jemima Lewis - re: relying on scientists
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